
先有alpha,先有beta:推出世界上第一款1-Beta 动态随机存取记忆体

白竹茂| 2022年11月

茂Shiratake, 动态随机存取记忆体公司副总裁,新兴存储过程和集成 & 美光的设备技术, shares insights into the development of and updates on shipment of 微米’s market-leading 1β (1-beta) 动态随机存取记忆体 technology. 微米 is now shipping first-in-market qualification samples of LPDDR5X technology developed on next-generation process node technology to smartphone manufacturers and leading chipset suppliers.


微米 has been the 动态随机存取记忆体 market technology leader since it was the first supplier to begin shipments of 动态随机存取记忆体 manufactured on 1α (1-alpha) process technology in January 2021. On May 12, 2022, 微米 shared the first insights on the next generation of advanced 动态随机存取记忆体 technology.

The new 1β 动态随机存取记忆体 technology is an advancement beyond existing leadership on 1α 动态随机存取记忆体-based products. 技术已经成熟, ramping and now shipping in the form of LPDDR5X qualification samples to our leading smartphone manufacturers and chipset partners. This is a critical milestone and allows 微米 and our partners to move forward to bring new performance and better power efficiency to the next wave of innovation and compelling use models for smartphones.

还有处理器技术和存储技术, 内存一直是技术发展的关键驱动力. Any services accessed via the cloud and virtually any devices considered “smart” require 内存 technology. From the ability to support camera technology in the earliest cell phones to the introduction of tablets, 轻薄的笔记本电脑, 和衣物, 内存技术一直是关键的推动者. 处理器无法快速访问应用程序和数据, 技术的发展和新用户体验的提供受到了极大的阻碍. 随着工艺技术的不断进步,电池和晶体管的尺寸不断缩小, 微米可以提高内存密度, 改进电源效率和提高性能, 帮助开启数字化的新机遇, 优化和自动化. 而未来很难预测, 基于移动客户的兴趣, we believe the next generation of 1β-based 动态随机存取记忆体 will unlock an exciting new world of technology use cases and business advantages.

沙巴体育结算平台,例如DDR5, DDR4, LPDDR, GDDR和更多. 通常, each node progression represents a further shrinking of the smallest components of the transistors and capacitors of the die, 以及先进的CMOS采用.


在这个例子中, our new 1β process technology represents a reduction in size and power consumed per transistor compared to 动态随机存取记忆体 build on our prior-generation 1α process nodes. Initial results from testing of the 1β show generational performance improvement and approximately 15% efficiency gains compared to prior leadership 1α-built parts. These types of gains will be very welcome to the performance-hungry but power-conscious mobile market customers who are now getting the first LPDDR5X built on 1β nodes.


经常, 拥有最先进节点的公司可以建造最密集的节点, 最低功率或最高效率(每比特功率)组件. 结果是, 而存储器等沙巴体育结算平台则在很大程度上由JEDEC标准化, there are benefits to sourcing with companies such as 微米 that have the most advanced process nodes.


显而易见的是:制造领先的半导体是非常困难的. 首先是数十亿美元的需求, incredibly clean facilities that can manufacture microscopically small components with unparalleled precision and amazing consistency. 但这仅仅是个开始. It also requires unmatched innovation from the brilliant minds that design the devices and the materials, 构建它们所需的流程和工具——节点.


More than a thousand separate process and measurement steps are required to build advanced semiconductors such as 微米 1β 动态随机存取记忆体. 在这个过程中的每一步,一个或多个先进的(和昂贵的)!)机器的运行非常关键, 增量和精确的活动需要放置原子薄, 超纯材料构成了每片晶圆上数百个芯片的每个晶体管. 然后对这些模具进行测试, separated and packaged as the 内存 modules we’ve all seen on DIMMs in our computers or in the electronics devices we use every day. 除了, 电路设计创新对于提供低功耗和高速度的沙巴体育结算平台至关重要. Process technology and circuit design must be harmonized and optimized through a massive amount of validation work.


这就是我们今天的1β工艺技术. We’ve taken the manufacturing steps and now shipped the first of these 内存 devices to our strategic smartphone customers for their development and testing work as they prepare their next generation of smartphones.




作为一个技术专家, 当我和我的团队达到一个重要的里程碑时,比如增加一个新的流程节点,我总是很兴奋. 当然,当我们取得进步并将一项新技术推向市场时,回报会更大. 能够看到客户手中的技术是对时间的投资, 金钱和精力似乎很合理. 当我们运送第一批设备时, we all know that the clock starts running and we will soon see finished products from our partners and customers in the market — and that is when our accomplishments really hit home.


我们知道,我们已经通过1β节点技术实现了这一首次推向市场的突破, but we take great pride in being able to point to some of the most in-demand phones and other devices on the market and know our technology is helping to make these devices possible.


第一批配备1β的智能手机正在全面开发和认证, we can now turn our full focus to the next tasks at hand: proliferating the process technology across a broader portion of our portfolio beyond the initial LPDDR5X components. The performance and power efficiency benefits inherent in the 1β manufacturing process promises to benefit to customers across virtually all market segments and 内存 technologies in our expansive portfolio.


当然, we’ll be continuing our work on defining the next generation of process node technology — after all, 这个行业从未停止前进!

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给那些可能不知道的人, semiconductors are developed in highly detailed processes and with specialized tools that are in aggregate termed nodes. 这些节点用于制造一代或更多的新沙巴体育结算平台,例如DDR5, DDR4, LPDDR, GDDR和更多. 通常, each node progression represents a further shrinking of the smallest components of the transistors and capacitors of the die, 以及先进的CMOS采用.

在这个例子中, our new 1β process technology represents a reduction in size and power consumed per transistor compared to 动态随机存取记忆体 build on our prior-generation 1α process nodes. Initial results from testing of the 1β show generational performance improvement and approximately 15% efficiency gains compared to prior leadership 1α-built parts. These types of gains will be very welcome to the performance-hungry but power-conscious mobile market customers who are now getting the first LPDDR5X built on 1β nodes.

经常, 拥有最先进节点的公司可以建造最密集的节点, 最低功率或最高效率(每比特功率)组件. 结果是, 而存储器等沙巴体育结算平台则在很大程度上由JEDEC标准化, there are benefits to sourcing with companies such as 微米 that have the most advanced process nodes.

显而易见的是:制造领先的半导体是非常困难的. 首先是数十亿美元的需求, incredibly clean facilities that can manufacture microscopically small components with unparalleled precision and amazing consistency. 但这仅仅是个开始. It also requires unmatched innovation from the brilliant minds that design the devices and the materials, 构建它们所需的流程和工具——节点.

More than a thousand separate process and measurement steps are required to build advanced semiconductors such as 微米 1β 动态随机存取记忆体. 在这个过程中的每一步,一个或多个先进的(和昂贵的)!)机器的运行非常关键, 增量和精确的活动需要放置原子薄, 超纯材料构成了每片晶圆上数百个芯片的每个晶体管. 然后对这些模具进行测试, separated and packaged as the 内存 modules we’ve all seen on DIMMs in our computers or in the electronics devices we use every day. 除了, 电路设计创新对于提供低功耗和高速度的沙巴体育结算平台至关重要. Process technology and circuit design must be harmonized and optimized through a massive amount of validation work.

这就是我们今天的1β工艺技术. We’ve taken the manufacturing steps and now shipped the first of these 内存 devices to our strategic smartphone customers for their development and testing work as they prepare their next generation of smartphones.


作为一个技术专家, 当我和我的团队达到一个重要的里程碑时,比如增加一个新的流程节点,我总是很兴奋. 当然,当我们取得进步并将一项新技术推向市场时,回报会更大. 能够看到客户手中的技术是对时间的投资, 金钱和精力似乎很合理. 当我们运送第一批设备时, we all know that the clock starts running and we will soon see finished products from our partners and customers in the market — and that is when our accomplishments really hit home.

我们知道,我们已经通过1β节点技术实现了这一首次推向市场的突破, but we take great pride in being able to point to some of the most in-demand phones and other devices on the market and know our technology is helping to make these devices possible.

第一批配备1β的智能手机正在全面开发和认证, we can now turn our full focus to the next tasks at hand: proliferating the process technology across a broader portion of our portfolio beyond the initial LPDDR5X components. The performance and power efficiency benefits inherent in the 1β manufacturing process promises to benefit to customers across virtually all market segments and 内存 technologies in our expansive portfolio.

当然, we’ll be continuing our work on defining the next generation of process node technology — after all, 这个行业从未停止前进!

Cvp, 动态随机存取记忆体和PI & DT


动态随机存取记忆体公司副总裁 & EM设备技术和过程集成 技术开发 美光科技有限公司.

茂Shiratake is the Corporate Vice President for 技术开发’s 动态随机存取记忆体 and Emerging 内存 re搜索 development organization.

Shiratake joined 微米 in 2013 as the Section Director of the 动态随机存取记忆体 process integration organization. 在加入美光之前, Shiratake在2005年至2013年期间担任尔必达内存(2013年被美光收购)的高管, 领导几个动态随机存取记忆体程序. Shiratake在内存技术领域拥有30年的经验, 包括瑞萨科技公司的其他领导职位.三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric Corp ..

Shiratake是许多技术论文的出版作者, 拥有数十项有关半导体技术的专利.

Shiratake holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Electronic Engineering from Yamaguchi University, 日本.